[Fic]What could I do to you now?

What could I do to you now?

Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: RPS, OOC, character death
Pairing: John/Paul, one side George/Paul
Status: Completed
Author: hell_princessXXs

All I could do now, it’s standing there, watching you screamed your anguish and cried your sadness. I couldn’t bring myself to comfort you, to hold you in my arms, to whisper to you, soothing you. I couldn’t. All I could do now, it’s watching you crumble to the floor, clutching his shirt and crying helplessly. All I could do now, it’s watching you. My tears threatened to fall. This is not you, Paul. This weren’t you at all. You weren’t suppose to be like this, vulnerable, weak and helpless. You supposed to be strong, to take charge. That were you. Not this. Not this.

Watching you broken, shivered on the floor broke my heart. I didn’t want to watch, but I couldn’t t tear my eyes away. Even in despair, you were still glowing. Even in darkness, you were still beautiful.

I hate him. I hate John fucking Lennon. I hate him. I hate him for having your love. I hate him for betrayed you. I hate him for he died on you. I hate him for he broke your heart. He broke you too, Paul. He broke you. His death shaken you, turned you into somethings, I didn’t recognize. It was so strange, to see you break down like this, to see you vulnerable like this.

Don’t cry Paul. Don’t cry. Don’t cry, I’m here. I will always be here for you. I know I couldn’t replace him. I know that in your heart, there would be a place for John, but never for me. But here, let me comfort you. Let me chase away your pain. Here Paul, depend on me. Don’t cry, don’t cry. It’s hurt when you cry. So don’t cry, Paul. Forget him. Forget about his love. I’m here, I’m here…

He died, Paul. I lose one of my friend. Now, I would lose you too, for when he died, you would died to. You soul died already.

Linda was right. You and him were soul mate. Now, half of the Lennon/McCartney was dead. A bond have been broken, or haven’t it? I didn’t know. But I know, deep in your soul, you were dead. Dead with him. The moment David Chapman shot John, he have unknowingly shot you too.

Hush hush, don’t cry. This is the least I could do for you. Let me lend you my warmth.

"Hi George"

"Hi yourself"

"He didn’t tell me you would be here today. Sorry. I didn’t prepare anything at all"

"That’s alright Paul. I just drop by to know how you doing."

"It’s fine, George. John ask me that all the time to. Always ‘How do you feel?’, ‘Are you OK?’. I’m fine, really."

"That’s good to here then. How is John?"

"He is good. Eat a lot lately *giggle*. I told him to go to the gym, but he doesn’t listen"

"No one care about that anymore Paul."

"*pout*You not the one who have to share the bed with him"

"Haha. But still, you’re fine"

"Yeah…I’m happy."

"Have to go know, Paulie. I’ll see you someday then."

"OK Georgie. Say hi to Rings for me"

"I will remember"

You glow. When I saw you, you glowed, even when the life you lead, is full of memories.

What could I do to you know, when you were dwell in the past, and content with it?

Human have it limits.

For now, I just have to continue to preserve that fragile happiness of yours. That imagination life, you lead with John.

I hate him. I hate him, for he still have you even in death.


What could I do to you, when you don’t even see me?

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