Monthly Archives: September 2010





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You still smile. You ever sunny smile.

Cry. Cry, baby, cry. You know you want to cry.

Yet you still smile. You still pretend that nothing have happened.

Cry. Damn it, cry.

You still smile. Your face grace with your never ending smile. Damn you. I can see it, in your eyes, the hidden pain, the sadness. I can see it in your eyes, the agony, the scars. I can see it so clearly in your eyes, all those hidden emotions that you try to lock away, try to hide away.

Cry, damn you. Cry. Don’t look up at me with your smile. I can see it you know. I can see pass your pathetic mask. Don’t pretend to be strong dear. Cry. Just cry. Cry for me. Open for me. Let me be the only one who can access your pain, soothed away your agony. Cry for me, open up for me. Let me be the only one who can see the real you. Cry baby. Cry. Smile no more.

Funny. Others want to see smile graces their lover’s faces, but me, I want to see tears escaped from those black pool of darkness. I want to see the silver tears glistened on your cheek. I want to see your real emotions. That is not too much to ask, is it dear?

So cry for me. Cry.

Here, lie down on my lap. Cry for me. Don’t smile. Ceased that smile, my little raven. Don’t smile, don’t smile.

Don’t lie to me. I know you’re not smiling. I know you are crying. So don’t smile, don’t  smile. Let me see the very real you.

Cry baby, cry. I won’t be sad. I won’t leave. I will be right here with you.


Don’t smile no more.

You’re not alone now. You have me here, remember? I’m here, and I will always be here for you. So don’t smile, don’t smile. Don’t pretend to be strong. I know you’re weary, and you want to rest. I know you’re tired. So rest. Keep that mask up no more. Put it down, dear. I won’t hurt you. Don’t keep up. Don’t be strong. Lean on me.

Cry. And I will still be here.

I love your smile, and you know it. But still, I love your tears even more. It shows me, that you trust me.

So cry. Cry all you want. Cry all those years of pain. Cry away your sadness, your agony. Cry, cry dear. Cry. Just smile no more.


Love. The most powerful power. All you need is love. Love. What is love, exactly?

Love is hurt. Love is war. Love is brutal. Love is the most complicated feeling. Love is jealousy, is sadness, is betrayal. Love is bitter, like dark chocolate, like tears. Love stung like a bee’s sting. Love is a knife, cut your soul in half. Love is dagger, stab in your heart. Love is the feeling that hurt your very core. Love is a emotion whirlwind, a roller coaster, that bring you up and down, sway you in the sky. Love is like a wind, never know when it come or left, just swept you off your feet and then make you fall down. Love is lie. Love is like a constant moving object, never stop. One day is here, next day it goes, left you bitter and hurt. Love is a double-edged sword. It cut you, it cut another. Love is like a cup of coffee, bitter and dark. Love is dangerous. Love is destruction.

Love make you blinded by emotion. It ripped your heart apart and destroyed your soul. It make you bleed like never before, cry like there’s no tomorrow. Love is like an invisible forces, kick you, hurt you, yet you never know when, or who it come from. Love leaves you bleed, give you scars that can never disappear. Love break your promises case and turn its back on you. Love clouded your vision, blinded your judgment. Love twisted you, manipulated you. Love is like a slowly acting poison, killing your cell one by one, shutting down your organ, leave you dizzy and weak in the mind. Love is like an addiction, once you taste the sweet taste of it, you want more and more, want more of the warmth, the protection, the care. And then, suddenly, love betrayed you, break your heart and leave you cold. Love used you like a tool, milk your emotions. Love is hate. Hate is love. Love is everything emotions combine. It make your mind become illogical. It makes your heart goes crazy. Madness. Love make you go mad.

Love, is simply madness.

[Fic]Love and hate

Disclaimer: All the characters belong righfully to J.K.Rowling. I’m just borrowing them.
Summary: There’s a thin line between love and hate.
Rating: T
Warning: *mentioned of rape, attempted murder*
Pairing: HP/SS, mention of SB/SS, LM/SS, LV/SS, RL/SS and RL/SB
Author: hell_princessXXs
Note: During Deathly Hollows

Love and hate.



There’s a thin line between love and hate.



