Will you think about me?

When I told one of my teacher that I finally suck it up and start reading Catcher in the Rye, he asked me why. The answer it’s easy, and simple – I need to get pass the fact that the idiot who killed John Lennon was reading that book after he killed John, because I can’t afford to lose a good book because of that. It would be idiotic, and John wouldn’t like me very much then.

Mr. Greg told me, in a way, by killing John Lennon, the imbecile has turned him into a legend like right now.

And I just replied:

I don’t want him to be a legend. I just want John alive and well.

Maybe, I actually more of a reason than that.

If John never died, maybe he and Paul would finally make up, and there might be a few more Lennon/McCartney songs in the world now. They were certainly heading toward that path. If John never died, maybe he could mend his relationship with Julian. If John neve died, maybe the Beatles actually could reunited for the final time. If John never died, maybe Paul would live happily, knowing that John has, and forever love him. If John never died, maybe the world could know about a different John, a real John, not John the martyr that Yoko has created. If John never died, he would still be here today.

And Paul won’t have to live knowing that the last word John ever say to him was “My old friend, won’t you think about me every now and then?” Live and asking himself if John has every love him. Live to regret he never has the chance to say “I love you” to John.

If John never died, he would still be here, alive and well, not just a memory of yesteryear, a flickered image. A legend that is mention passingly.

Whether John died forty-one year ago or tomorrow, he would always be a genius, flying across the universe.

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