Monthly Archives: July 2011

GDN today

The Gulf Daily New is full of ignorance today. I need to calm down a bit before I reply to them.

According to a Proud Muslim girl, gay is apparently a new gender, because she said “a gender that never exist before.” Gosh, I bang my head against the table repeatedly. She also blamed gays for HIV because she asked “Is it human rights to have forbidden relations that may cause disease to other?” and under the notion that a gay man is not a man ‘Is is human rights for a mother who raised her child as a man for many years for him to turn into a gay and break her heart?” She needs to chill and watch Queer as Folk. Or Glee. Or anything. She also said “People won’t stop be gay for sure, but enlightenment won’t harm them for sure.” Well, she didn’t stop being a bigot, so a little enlightenment won’t harm her for sure.

But it’s the second reply that sent me into a rage.

A Proud Muslim Boy (they need to get a little bit inventive with the name) said “According to me we should tell our views to others. Let’s see according to God how it might be. Allah says in the Holy Quran that we (Muslims) are the best of people because we (Muslims) invite people to what is right and forbid people from doing bad. So that means it’s our right to interfere.” Well, it’s also my fucking rights to interfere. He seems to be under a notion that he is the best race of people and I, as many others, are nothing but second-class. It’s my fucking freedom of speech to say what I want, to speak out against bigotry and homophobic and about what is right. Parents and the laws forbid people from doing bad things, but not Muslims. My country isn’t a Muslim country and we still behave just fine. Hell, we won war against France and America. “Invite people to what is right”? That’s feminine approach, and right now, what he is using is masculine approach, saying that we’re the best race, we’re Muslims, we are always right. Sorry to break your bubble, no you aren’t.

I like living in Bahrain, but this making me shaking with rage. Sometimes, I hate that.

Harry Potter: Severus Snape

Reading about his death is different from actually watching it. Because when I read, I wasn’t really there, and it wasn’t really happening right in front of my eyes. The pain, the tears, the memories, the last word – everything, it hurts. To me, it hurts more than Harry Potter ending, Fred’s death or even Dobby’s. Because to me, he was the character that hit closest to home, to my heart.

Who would weep for you, professor, in that universe? Who would weep for you, love you? Who would show a little bit of compassion? Just a little bit of warmth, you know. Just a little bit, enough to warm up your hand.

If I ever have a lover, I would wish he has a heart like yours. A heart that never stops loving, just that one girl, the girl with flowing red hair and the greenest eyes, the girl that captured your heart from the very moment you saw her. The girl that you have held in your hand, the day she died. The girl that you never forget, the girl that is your Patronus, the girl that because of her, you’re willing to sacrifice your life for her son. Your heart never lost its warmth.

Always, you said. After all these years, you have always love Lily, cling on to her. doesn’t matter if she was dead, doesn’t matter, you would still love her, until your very breath. You always think about her, and even the last thing you said was about her, about her green eyes. The last comfort you have, was to see her eyes, even if it was on a different face – her son.

Love is the most powerful thing.

Love, made a part of Severus Snape. You aren’t as cold and unfeeling as people think you are. But they never know, because they were never allow to see your heart. You save it, along with the memories, the warmth, the light to just that one woman, that one girl, the one who you could only hold once she was dead. Everything, the best part of you, were reserved only for Lily Evans. Just for her.

I’m still crying when I wrote down this. Because it hurts. Love hurts, I’m aware, but it hurts so much.

I’m crying, because I’m weeping, for you.

Rest in peace, professor Snape, Potion Master, and Headmaster of Hogwarts. May you see her again, on the other side.

Inception: Les Chansons D’Amour

Title: Les Chansons D’Amour
Author: hell_princessXXs (MeMy Mo)
Pairing: past Cobb/Mal/Ariadne, Cobb/Arthur, implied Ariadne/Eames
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Based on the movie Les Chansons D’Amour. AU
Disclaimer: All don’t belong to me, but to Christopher Nolan. And Les Chansons D’amour belong to Christophe Honore.
Warning: Un-beta. Sorry for any errors, English isn’t my native language.

Les Chansons D’Amour

1. The Departure

Things have been sore for awhile between them now. It’s not like Cobb doesn’t love Mal anymore; he still do, with all his heart, but it’s not like before. The passion, the love, everything they used to have, to share – they seem to fade away with time. Toying with his ring, Cobb guessed that came along with marriage. But he still loves her, and that’s count right?

He just felt tired. Weary, like an old man. Like he has seen too much, lived too long. Minutes felt like months, and days feel like years. It felt like fifty years has past, and it has been only five. Tired, that what he felt. Tired to the bone.

He doesn’t know what cause it, but lately, Mal seems different. Different from the woman he has met many years ago, the woman he has love and married. Different, yes, definitely. She distant herself from him, staying in the room most of the day, ignoring him. And the phone call. Every five minutes, she would call him, regardless whether he has a lecture or not, demanding to know where is he, who is with him, what is he doing, so on and so forth. She would cried or slam the phone down, angrily when he informed her he would be a little bit late. At first, Cobb doesn’t think much about this, but lately, it has come to a point of almost obsession.

And then, she proposed a menage a trois.

To say he was surprised is the understatement of the year.

He held her in his arm, made love to her all night, convincing her that no, no, he doesn’t anyone in their life, that everything is perfect the way they are (even if both of them secretly know it’s not), and that he just needs her. That morning, she woke up next to him, and told him she already choose someone. And looking into her eyes, fingers trace the face of the woman he has fell in love with so many years ago, he couldn’t help but say yes.

That’s how Ariadne came into their life.

Ariadne with her calming aura and soft smile and unbroken innocence. She is young, painfully young, a teacher assistant at his university. She reminds him of Mal in someway, but different, from the way her brown hair fall down on her back to the way her eyes sparkle when she smiles. She is like green grass field and early morning flowers and honey, calm and sweet.

Like a bridge between their banks, running from side to side. She wormed her way into their lives, easily. Easier than he has initially thought.

She told him, quietly, over the cup of coffee they shared one rainy afternoon, both stuck in the campus, that to her, Mal was more like a sister. It’s not about the sex, she insist, it’s really not. He almost believe her, if he didn’t see Mal and her kissing. But he didn’t tell her, and she just smile at him, a sad little smile that almost break his heart. They stay quiet until the last drop of rain fell.

Mal thought he loves Ariadne. He doesn’t. He doesn’t know who he loves anymore.

Let’s rejoice, Cobb, it’s over. She told him one night, when they all went out. It will no longer be three, just two. So choose – her or me.

He felt as if his heart was breaking into millions pieces. She should know, he only loves her.

You know I would choose you. He said, with as much conviction as he could muster. I love you. He said, again and again, as if to convince both her and him.

And then, the next thing he remembered was the flashlight of police care, the sound of people screaming and murmuring, the voice of doctor and the image of his wife being lifted into the ambulance. He sat there, with her coat in his arm, his face blank and void of emotion, and looked. Her favorite spin fell on the ground, and kept spinning, spinning like a mad ballerina until it came to a complete stop.

His wife is dead.

He ran blindly on the street. Mal, Mal, Mal – his subconscious kept calling. He passed by the street they used to walk together, the cafe they used to go, the restaurant where he proposed to her. It felt like walking backward. He kept seeing her, a shade maybe, or a figment of his imagination, or maybe it IS her, in her purple dress and a smile on her face and he ran like a mad man, calling her name only to realize later that it wasn’t her. That she is dead and he is alone.

Alone. Cobb is afraid of loneliness.

He picked up his phone and called Miles like any responsible human being would do, informed him that Mal is dead that no, he doesn’t know why and yes, it would be great if he could take care of the funeral and that no, he doesn’t really wanted to talk and yes, yes, he understood. Cobb hang up immediately. He supposed he should call Ariadne and tell her, but he really doesn’t have the energy, and he doesn’t wanted to repeat the same line that Mal is dead, because it made him feel helpless, that he can’t control everything even if he wanted to.

He clenched his fist, and the spin dug into his hand, sharp and painful. He put it on the table, and spin it. He just keep spinning it, wishing that it would stop falling down.

It kept falling down anyway.

2. The Absence

Paris is cold. He feels numb.

Phillipa has left like a hundred of messages on his phone, each of them is the same as the other. He doesn’t need to pick up, he just knows. He looked around his apartment – messed and dirty and empty, the fragrance of her perfume is still lingered here, the warmth. He picked up Madame Bovary. She hasn’t finished it yet. He touched her scarf – she was wearing it the other day. He touched her pillow – there are some strand of her hair. Her clothes, so carelessly she flung it on the floor sometimes, mixed with Ariadne’s.

He ran out of the apartment. He couldn’t stay there. It’s too much, everything – the memories, the smell, the little red mug she used, the knife. He pressed his hand inside his pocket, holding the spin tightly and let out a shaky breath. Determinedly, he walks to the university.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into Phillipa on the way.

“Hey, you OK?”

They exchange pleasantries, and kisses on the cheek.

He noticed the bag in her hand.

“Going to my place?”

“Of course.”

“Why didn’t you let me know?”

“I left a hundred messages.”

He knows, but he doesn’t really know it.

“I know but my phone is out of order. I’m going to the university.”

“I’ve taken half a day off work. Let’s do it now.”

“I can’t!”

He almost tell her that every time he opened the closet, he break down. That he can’t stand being there without Mal. But he didn’t

“Give me the key. I’ll do it.”

He gave it to her.

“Don’t snoop.”

“I won’t.”

He knows she will anyway.

They sat together, he and Ariadne, in the teacher lounge. It’s dark, and no one is here right now. The coffee is cold, but they pretend that it’s still okay.

“Hey, you’re not the materialistic type right?”

She took a sip from her cold coffee cup.

“Not really.”

“Clothes and shoes and make-up don’t mean much to you?”

“Hmm, it doesn’t matter.”


“Are you trying to say I have bad taste?”

“No, I’m trying to say Mal’s sister is in my place taking some of her things. She probably takes them all anyway.”

He looked away. She didn’t question him, just touch his hand lightly. Sometimes, Ariadne understand him better than himself. She could read him so easily, and he hates her for that. She understood things that he is trying, struggling to figure out.

Silent. That’s all he needed right now.

Ariadne is seeing this man now, Eames. British guy. They met at a bar that she frequented. Right now, he is invading Eames’s couch and listening to the man endless ramble about the entertainment system in his house.

“Oh, the sleeping bag is my brother’s, so don’t worry, it’s really clean.”

Cobb smiles, and thanks him politely. It’s not like he will needed it anyway.

“Try to get some sleep.” Ariadne said to him. She knows he won’t.

Someone touched him on the shoulder.

“Hey. Is you then?”

Cobb startled. It was a young man, about sixteen, seventeen, maybe older. His black hair was a bit mused from sleeping, and even in his pajama he managed to look impeccable, not ridiculous. He looked a bit like Ariadne, with the same air of innocence and calmness. Just by looking, Cobb could tell his skin is smooth and soft, his brown hair silky and his lips look so tempting.

“Closed the window.”

The soft voice, thick with English accent snapped Cobb out of his thoughts. He closed the window quickly, mumble an apology.

“Don’t worry about it. But since we haven’t paid the gas bill, we slept with the window closed.”

He glanced at the sleeping bag.

“Didn’t use them?”

“I can’t sleep, so yeah.”


“I was told about you.”

Cobb wanted to slap him. What does he know anyway.

“Whatever you were told, I assure you that I can be alone.”

The kid gave him a look.

“It’s six o’clock. I usually wake up at seven.” The part not because I care about you, moron hang in the air. Cobb sighed. Maybe he is relieved, or maybe disappointed. He doesn’t know. Flung himself on the sofa, he sits there.

“Why get up so early?”

“School. Want some coffee.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

Silent. Sometimes it’s too much to bear.

“My name is Arthur.”

The boy said, handed him a cup of hot coffee. It’s almost pleasant and peaceful.


His mouth curved upward, forming a smirk.

“I was told about you, remember.”

It feels almost okay.

When Arthur slipped out with his three piece suits (it’s my uniform, Cobb), flawless and somewhat beautiful (or maybe he was just imagining it), he told Cobb to stop watching the TV too early in the morning because it’s bad for Cobb’s mental health, and that his room is the last one on the right.

Cobb pretended he didn’t listen, but he slipped into the bed and fell asleep, breath in the smell of rain, of ocean and crepes with lemon.

Maybe a day off won’t hurt him.

The boy came back with blueberry muffin, a hint of sarcasm in his voice when he asked what were they for. “Oh dear, for the tea party of course darling.” It sounded tempting, but he declined. He has to go to the university to grab something, and that back to his apartment.

“Your choice. But you could always stay.”

He almost, but he didn’t.

He told Ariadne that Mal’s parent have the autopsy result, and she died because of a cardiac arrest when they packed their things in the teacher lounge. She didn’t say anything, except thank you, and continue packing. She was out of the door before he even finished.

Phillipa was still at the apartment when he came back. With Scarlett, the dog that Mal’s mom owned.

“You didn’t come home last night. I was worry.”

“And the dog?”

“I was scared, so mom let me borrow it. Be grateful that at least I didn’t call James.”

He looked around the apartment. It seems different – cleaner, spacier, emptier, yet still as cold.

“I thought we could help each others you know. Talk.”

She continued on.

“Did dad tell you the autopsy result?”

She really need to learn how to shut her mouth once in a while.

“How is your class?”

He felt like falling apart.

“I’m sorry Phil, but I can’t. I can’t sit here and pretend everything is okay and go on. So, I will take my key, you take Mal’s. I’m sorry, but I’m out of here. I can’t stay.”

He wanted to escape.

“Where are you going?”

He didn’t answer. He just wanted to escape. From everything.

“Have anyone told you that it is incredibly rude to throw stone at someone window at 4am?”

“No question please. Just take me in.”

Arthur sighed.

“It’s 7A20”

He shed his clothes, and flung himself on Arthur’s bed.

“You work late.”

“Wasn’t working.”

The room look clean, perfect and flawless, just like its owner. The shelves are full of books, literature and science and the like. Some are architecture. He picked on up, randomly.

“This isn’t in the program, is it?” Cob asked, laughingly. Arthur frowned, and yanked the book out of his hand.

“Don’t messed it up.”

Arthur turned away, closed his laptop, and offered him a cigarette. He accepted. They light them in silent. Taking a drag, Arthur turned to him, brown eyes shone with innocence and trust that it hurts, because they are so warm.

“Have you ever love, for the sheer beauty of it?”

He silent.

“Yes, I have. But those immature passion, those indigestible lovers – it was hard. It made me tired. Love is something that will eat away your heart slowly, then your brain and the rest, and leave you dead.”

Arthur just smiled. A little, tiny smile, that as bright as summer sky.

“Often the test of time gets the better of us.”

Cobb doesn’t reply.

“Go to bed. It’s late.”

In darkness, he thought he heard Arthur whispered:

“Don’t be afraid to love. Kiss me and let me be your guide.”

He pretended he didn’t hear it.

3. The return

Ariadne broke up with Eames. He is a tad too touchy-feely to her liking (meaning: he touched her too many times to the point she considered it sexual harassment). She gave him the key and told him to give it to Arthur because the kid was basically stalking him anyway.

Cobb did. He gave it to Arthur when he saw him at the gate, but then one look, he put it back in his pocket, take the kid to his apartment and kissed him.

He wanted to forget, to erased all trace of Mal. The spin lie on the vanity table, forgotten, when Arthur grind down on him and kissed him. He lost himself somewhere between the warmth of Arthur and the kissed and the noises. He just wanted to forget.

He just wanted to love.

Phillipa found them in the morning. She just stared, and told Cobb that maybe she understood why her sister was unhappy. He let her leave, and didn’t say anything. Arthur rolled out of bed and starting to put on his suit or his uniform or whatever it is, while telling Cobb that probably he couldn’t offer Arthur breakfast.

The apartment is empty again when Arthur left.

He didn’t come to the university, instead wandering around. He visited her grave. It felt like he was late, and she was blaming him.

He doesn’t need this guilt. And he left the cemetery.

He wandered about, from Montparnasse to Chaateau d’Eau. He drank God knows how many glasses – Zubrowska, Riesling, Piper. Drunken, he felt more lonely than ever. He longed for someone warmth, someone hand. He almost wanted to run to Arthur, run into his arms just to get off the street. Instead, he waited for Ariadne outside the university. She always get a cab home after all.

“Are you OK?”

He isn’t.

“I’m melancholy.”

Maybe there is some truth in that.

Ariadne somehow managed to drop him off at Arthur’s without waking up Eames. Arthur told her not to worry, because nothing could wake Eames up, even Death.

The wind is cold. Of course, since it’s winter. He drowned himself in the sound of people and cars on the street.

“When you died because of hypothermia, don’t come back and haunt me, because I did warn you.”

“Why do you love me?”

“Does it matter?” Arthur is typing something now.

“I’m old and a widower. I’m a poor, idiotic vulgarian.”

“Mhmm, by the way, I’m young, handsome, and British. I’m smell of rain, ocean and crepes with lemon. So what?”

“You shouldn’t love me.”

“You aren’t my father.”

Silent. Arthur keeps typing

“I can’t forget about Mal.”

Brown eyes look at him.

“You want a body, okay. You need a pair of arms, why not? You could always stay in my bed.”

He looked at Arthur. So young and so innocence and those eyes shines with warmth and love and it hurts.

“I don’t deserve you.”

Arthur smile, and hold him tight.

“You really need to here that I love you.”

Tongue, dancing, the battle of desire and passion.

Warm body pressed against his.

Smell of rain and ocean and crepes surrounds him.

“Love me less, but love me long time.”

Crossover: It’s a gay, gay school.

Title: It’s a gay, gay school
Author: hell_princessXXs
Genre: slash, gen, AU
Disclaimer: All don’t belong to me, but belong to Alan Bennett, Ryan Murphy and Peter Weir respectively
Pairing: Neil/Todd, Posner/Scripps, Pitts/Meeks, Chris/Knox, implied Klaine
Crossover between The History Boys, Dead Poets Society and tiny bit of Glee
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “That Dalton Academy, is it a gay school or it’s just appear to gay?”
A/N: un-beta.

The school name is Dalton because, duh, Charlie’s last name is Dalton. But of course, it isn’t like many people know that, since he insisted on them calling him Charlie and didn’t let anyone knows about his last name. And because he IS the headmaster, they didn’t really think that he owns the school anyway. Charlie takes great pride on that, and whenever he bragged about it, Neil would just threw a book in his direction.

Yes, Neil. His strong, beautiful Neil.

That night when Mr. Perry dragged Neil home, he attempted suicide. But he didn’t die. Missed the target. Mr. Perry discovered him just in time and brought him into the hospital, where Neil, after the operation and under heavy sedation told his father the truth and then drifted off to a peaceful sleep. Based on what Neil told them latter, Mr and Mrs. Perry have a breakdown afterward and not wanting to loose their only son, they let him stay at Welton. And told him that he could be an actor if he wanted to. Neil was happy, really happy for the first time in so many years. Actually, that what Todd thought at the time, because his usual smile seem to be a little bit brighter than normal.

So they carried on with their captain, Mr. Keating, and their nightly adventure to the Indian cave, breaking bread with the dead.

After that, Cameron drifted from the group. He really was an asshole (that what Charlie said). They didn’t mourn the loss of him. He really was annoying. But he just have to go and busted them to the Headmaster. The last year was pure torturing. Mr. Keating lost his job, and they were all under supervision, so people could make sure they wouldn’t slip into the wood again and have a Dead Poets Society meeting. Of course, it wasn’t like they gave that up completely. They just found another place.

Now, here they are.

The idea came to Charlie sometime after they have all gone off to college, to do whatever they desire. They agreed to meet up in New York for Winter Break, and suddenly, when they were in the middle of the sea of people at Time Square, Charlie yelled to them “LET’S ALL OPEN A SCHOOL TOGETHER!!!”

They thought it was the champagne talking, and laughed at it. When morning came and everyone was nursing hangover and Charlie repeated it, calmly, slowly, they knew he was serious.

So, they did it. They built a school. Actually, it was Charlie who did (who hired someone else), but they like to think it was their. Something only belong to them. Their kingdom.

Todd accepted the position of English teacher for grade 10 easily. It still allowed him to write in his free time, and that all he wants. Neil, after completed his course in Julliard, stayed at New York for a while before he came back and became the new Speech & Theatre teacther. The students adore him. Todd just smiled when his partner told him that, because really, no one could hate Neil, when he is so full of energy and so charming like this. Pitts and Meeks, finally admitted their feeling for each other (those two are inseparable, even in school, so it was easy to tell), now are the Chemistry (Pitts) and Science (Meeks) teacher of the school. They still invented more things, but every once in a while, when all of them would sit down in the evening, they would bring out the old radio and start turning it on, bringing back memories of a faraway time.

Knox, well, Knox was surprised.

He actually married to Chris now (who would think?) and became a lawyer (because he somehow fell in love with it. Charlie said because he read that To Kill A Mocking Bird junk. Mr. Overstreet didn’t care much, as long as his son followed his footstep). He works for the school now, and sometimes serve as adviser when there are students who wanted to be a lawyer. He is happy, and Todd is glad.

It’s a wonderful life, Todd likes to think. As long as Charlie stop shouting on top of his lung that he is King Nuwanda of the Dalton Kingdom. It’s getting on his nerve.

One evening, Charlie told them he just hired a new History teacher to replaced Mrs. Adams, who just retired. His name is David Posner, graduated from Oxford (why would someone graduated from Oxford wanted to come to the State?, Knox asked), from Sheffield. And gay. To answer Knox’s question, Charlie said the reason he moved here was because his partner is now working for a newspaper in the States.

Neil said they should have a welcoming party, since he isn’t just new to the school, but also to the country. Todd kissed his cheek. Trust Neil to care about other so much. All of them agree. Maybe they could also meet his partner, since the school is pretty much filled with gay couples. They wanted him to be comfortable, and knows that they don’t judge.

Posner picked at his sleeves. He is in another country now, faraway from England and Sheffield and Oxford, from the familiar damp of his country and the tea and everything. He looked at himself in the mirror – five years after he graduated, he still look like younger than his own students, back in Sheffield. And he panics again – what if the students don’t take him seriously here? What if they hate him? What if-

His thoughts was cut when warmth enveloped him, and the familiar smell of aftershave and honey. Kisses are being dropped on his face, and he feels himself relaxed against the warm body, humming contently. At least he still has Scripps.

“Stop worrying, they will love you.”

“How do you know that? You aren’t my student.”

“I just know darling, I just know. Now come on, if you don’t wanted to be late for that welcoming party. If you still wanted to worry, I will worry with you later, after we come back.”

Scripps kisses him, passionately.

“Or we could do something more fun when we back, since I’m not exactly celibate anymore.”

Posner raises an eyebrow at his partner.

“You haven’t celibate since the day we entered Oxford.”

“Well, whose fault is that?”

He slips out of the embrace, picked up his coat and headed for the door.

“We should get going. Being late will make a bad impression you know.”

Scripps followed him out after fifteen minutes. They still have time. They have all the time in the world now.

They have all expected him to be old, not really ancient, but you know, middle-age or something. However, of course, trust him to be different. He is young, about their age, and somewhat shy, if not incredibly shy. He reminded Todd of himself, the first time he came to Welton. But one thing they could all agree on, it’s that he is very beautiful, the kind of beauty that exist on grass field and valley and shine brightly under the sun. From the soft sandy brown hair, the bright blue eyes to the pale, creamy skin – he reminds Todd of a porcelain doll he saw so many years ago. But from the little interaction Todd and his friends has with the man, he seems pleasant, and very knowledgeable. His partner is also very friendly. He and Todd have bonded instantly when both discovered they like to write. Posner just smiled softly at looked at Neil – they both understood their partner passion.

Took a sip from his wine glass, Todd enjoyed the evening, occasionally kissed Neil lightly on the cheek.

Posner leans against Scripps, observing the room. Takes a sip of wine from his glass, he feels almost at home. Probably because of Scripps, but then, who knows.

Why did he built this school so fucking big?

Charlie just has too much wine, and just has to go to the bathroom, and just has to be a little bit tipsy (drunk) to forgot the way back to the room. Now, here he is, in his own school, trying to figure out a way. And then he heard a voice, singing softly, coming from the music room (the students used them for Glee club).

Elle écoute la java
Mais elle ne la danse pas
Elle ne regarde même pas la piste
Et ses yeux amoureux
Suivent le jeu nerveux
Et les doigts secs et longues de l’artiste
Ça lui rentre dans la peau
Par le bas, par le haut
Elle a envie de chanter c’est physique
Tout son être est tendu
Son souffle est suspendu
C’est une vraie tordue de la musique

He walks closer to the door. Who would be here at this time? Inside, he found the new history teacher – Posner, is singing while his partner plays the piano. They lean against each other, smiling slightly, feeling at ease.

“I didn’t know you could sing.” – Charlie said before he could stop himself. Posner startled, he didn’t mean to just use the school property like that. But then, it has been a long time since he sings with Scripps.

“Um, I used to sing, back in school.”


“We didn’t mean to just use the piano like that, it’s just-”

“-had a little too many drinks, tried to find the bathroom and couldn’t find the way back?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“You must love singing then? Music?”

Both Posner and Scripps smile.

“Yeah. A lot.”

Now it’s turn for Charlie to smile.

“So, you could take over the Glee club duty then. It has been a while since those boys have an instructor. I believe you would fit perfectly for that role. Maybe your partner could also play the piano for the group.”

“Sure, except, what is a Glee club?”

If anyone noticed that Charlie, Scripps and Posner didn’t turn up again until the very end, they didn’t say anything. The DPS just raised an eyebrow at the their, noticing the smug look on his face. He just smirked at them instead.

Later, they accepted another student, Blaine Anderson. All shook their heads at the bigotry and hatred. Posner and Scripps have been accepted into the gang, right after the party, when Charlie told them about his singing ability, looked at the file and couldn’t comprehend it. And when Don made love to him that night, he thought about how lucky they were, having such accepting friends.

The students adored Pos, and the first meeting with Glee club couldn’t have gone better. They called himself the Warblers. That night, Pos and Don have celebratory sex, not that Scripps ever doubt that they wouldn’t like Pos. But anyway, he couldn’t possibly turn it down now, could he?

Another student transferred to their, in the middle of the year. Kurt Hummel – another case like Blaine. Pos was reminded of himself, seeing Kurt around Blaine. But then, looks at how Blaine is treating Kurt, he allowed himself to smile, because he knew Kurt won’t be hurt, like him.

Walking to his class, Pos mused to himself – this really is a gay school.

The History Boys: Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye

Title: Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye
Author: hell_princessXXs (MeMy Mo)
Pairing: Posner/Scripps
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Slash
Warning: un-beta
Disclaimer: All don’t belong to me, but Alan Bennett
Summary: He was the last one of the lot. *Inspired by the finale of Six Feet Under

Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye
Cheerio, here I go, on my way
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye
Not a tear, but a cheer, make it gay…

He was the last one of the lot. Who have thought he would outlive the great Dakin? That bastard was always stubborn to give up, but then, who have thought Lockwood would died

Softly, like a wind, it caressed him, the melody of “Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye”, like a warm embrace, a blanket of memories and yesteryear. He requested them to play it everyday long time ago, keep replaying it again and again. Lying on his bed, he looked around at the stark whiteness of the room, frightened at the lack of distinct color and personality. Wearily, tiredly, he closed his already blurred eyes, letting himself be carried away by the music. His fingers moved on the mattress, out of synch, slowly, trying to remember those afternoon spending practicing in the music room. He smiled.

He dreamed. He saw Sheffield again, and his nostril filled with the familiar smell of fresh grass, of wild daisies and cold stones. The road, the church – everything was the same as he remembered. He saw them, standing right in front of Cutler’s, frozen at the age of seventeen, eighteen, forever young, and full of dreams and hopes and energies and desires. They were all there, same as so many years ago when they tried for Oxbridge. Stood in front with his hands in his pockets, the smirk pasted on his face. Crowther has this pissed off look on his face, and his black eyes convey the unsaid message “You’re fucking late.” Akhthar stood there, a small smile playing on his lips, the pencil tuck safely, next to Timm, who smile was bigger than he remember (he couldn’t anymore). Lockwood stood back, cigarette between his lips and Rudge looked clueless as ever. Yet, what really catched his eyes was him, the one, who he remembered so clearly not many years ago, has slipped between his hand. David Posner, his youth forever the same, stood there with his bright smile and soft sandy hair and he couldn’t help it but cried. And he saw more of them, Mr. Hector with his two thumbs up and Mrs. Lintott and Mr. Irwin with his smug face. He even saw Mr. Felix with his sour face kept glancing at an obviously uncomfortable Fiona and Mr. Wilkes and Mrs. Bibbly. But nothing, nothing could tore his eyes away from the one David Posner.

“Come on, mate. You’re late already.” He heard Dakin yelled, and David stretch his hand out. And he took it, without hesitation, felt the warmth against his own hand, and without thinking about the consequence, he kissed David right there and then, to the cheering and wolf-whistle of his friend. Looking at David flushed face, and breath in the smell of fresh grass, his heart call out – home.

The nurse quietly turned off the CD player, not that she has to be quiet, but it just a habit developed from working many years in the nursing home. Wrote down the time of death, she looked at the old man and the smile on his face, she allowed herself a small smile. At least he has gone to a good place, in peace.

Closed the door behind her, she stalked down the white hall, in silence.

Give me a smile I can keep for a while
In my heart while I’m away
Til we meet, once again you and I
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye

Scripps woke up the smell of bacon and eggs and the oh so tempting smell of coffee. Stretching, he remembered his dream last night. Quite a dream, he thought, but nothing could stop him from enjoying his Sunday, with the sun streaming from outside the window and the bird chirping and the sound of David singing softly in the kitchen. And when he kissed David, who tasted like strawberry jam and butter, he forgot about it. It was just a dream. After all, he has better thing to do with his deliciously looking boyfriend.

It was just a dream, that won’t happen many years from now.

The History Boys: Didn’t

The History Boys: Didn’t
Author: hell_princessXXs
Pairing: Posner/Scripps
Summary: “In his life, there were many things he wasn’t mean to do, yet it happened anyway. And truthfully, he didn’t regret it a bit.”
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All belong to Alan Bennett, not me.

In his life, there were many things he wasn’t mean to do, yet it happened anyway. And truthfully, he didn’t regret it a bit.

He didn’t mean to befriend with Posner. But, the boy’s voice was so soft and high, like an angle, all sweet and soothing, that he couldn’t ignore and ask if he wanted to practice with him because he could play the piano and he has always tried to find someone who could accompany him. And he didn’t regret it, because the smile on Posner’s face, shining brightly as clear summer sky was totally worth it, and he was the reason for that smile.

He didn’t mean to sit so close to Pos, but then there were no space left because Timms and Lockwood were taking up all the space and Dakin was being a git and Crowther was being annoying too and really, there was just no space left. But he secretly grateful, although he acted a bit annoyed, for the sweet and fresh smell from Posner and the light touch and the warmth and he was so closed, so closed he could place a kiss on Pos’s pale neck but he stopped himself before he could and tried to pay attention to whatever Dakin was trying to tell him, but honestly, he didn’t care, because Posner was so closed and really, who could pay attention to Dakin when Posner’s hair seems so soft and the light made a halo on his head and he looked exactly like an angel (if they do have Jewish angels)?

He didn’t mean to hold Pos’s hand when they walked through the crowd of people or trying to snarl at anyone who might come too close to suffocate Posner or crushed him. After all, it was their first day at Oxford and both of them were terrified at the change and the crowd and those ancient, massive buildings (Posner more than him) but none were going to admit it and something inside him made him to take Pos’s hand because the other boys seem so small and delicate and the crowd was going to crush him and it was his first day, and it would be very very sad if Scripps lost his Pos to a crowd of people.

But he did mean it when he told Posner he love him. And he did mean it when they kissed for the first time. Or made love for the first time. Or when they exchanged vows and rings. He did mean it. He meant to do all of it, because he love Posner.

Yet, he couldn’t smile when Pos sang so softly at him “Gave me smile I can keep for a while in my heart while I’m away/Til we meet, once again, you and I” because he just couldn’t, wouldn’t, with Pos lying there wasting, dying away in front of his eyes and he couldn’t do a damn thing. He wasn’t mean to do it, yet, when Pos graced him with that little bright smile he found himself complying, smiling at Pos while tears streaming down his face and the words died down, around “Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye.” He wasn’t meant to watch Posner died.

And when they lower the casket to the ground, Scripps whispered “I love you” but he wasn’t mean to say it to no one. Posner supposed to be here, and he wasn’t.

Scipps maybe wasn’t mean to do many things, but maybe he was mean to fall in love with Posner.

The History Boys: Drabbles

The History Boys: Drabbles
Author: hell_princessXXs (MeMyMo)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Three little drabbles
Warning: Un-beta
Disclaimer: All don’t belong to me, but to Alan Bennett.
Pairing: Posner/Scripps

1. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

He kept on looking at the keys because if he looked up his chest would hurt so badly, yet it didn’t offer him a reason while. There was something inside him, that wanting to punch his best mate into a bloody pulp and yell into his ears that why he doesn’t notice Posner with his pale skin and long delicate fingers and soft sandy hair and that he smelled oh so good. And there was something inside him that ached, hurt so badly, yearning for a dream, that Posner was singing the song to him and not to that bastard who was his best friend.

He kept on looking at the key, because he couldn’t dare to look up and see that Pos’s shiny eyes that filled with love and devotion stared at Dakin instead of him. And he kept on looking at the key, each note shattered something inside him, bits by bits.

2. Brief Encounter

Only an overwhelming desire not to feel anything at all ever again. Not to be unhappy anymore.

It wasn’t acting for Scripps. When he heard Posner’s voice breaking and quivering and oh so softly, quietly as if asking for help, he felt this urge to pull the smaller boy into his arms and hold him there, protecting him from the dark evil world and from whatever that was hurting him. And even if the hug was just part of the play, Scripps lingered, marvel at the faint fresh smell like jasmine and grass and honey from Posner and how small he was in Scripps’s arms and how their body fitted together. He almost felt sorry to let go, yet he has to, because that’s life, right? Everything is just a brief encounter.

You’ve been a long way away. Thank you for coming back to me.

3. Blackbird, bye bye

Pack up all my care and woe
Here I go, singing low
Bye bye, blackbird

When he hear Posner sang it, voice high and soft and so soothing, there was a sudden scare inside him, a realization, that maybe one day Posner would leave to, and who would never see him again, and that he won’t be hearing that soft, tenor voice anymore, that there would be no more practice, where he would have feel the soft breath of Pos tickled him, the warmth of Posner’s back pressed into his. And that one day Posner might just be gone, like Hector.

And when he turned and looked at Posner, the realization deepened at his classmate resignation looked, the way Posner seems so pale and delicate and like he could fade away any moment now. Scripps didn’t want that, and when no one was looking, he did the only thing he could – he held Posner tightly in his arms and kissed him and whispered to him that it would be all okay, even thought he knew it wouldn’t and that he wouldn’t let go.

He didn’t. Until the very end.