Category Archives: Poem


We’re selfish. That’s how we survive.

Conscience is dead. That’s why we go on.

Humanity is overrated. That’s why we’re here.

On the top of the world. On the top of all.

Pride, sloth, wrath, gluttony, envy, lust, and greed

All the seven deadly sins – they make us who we’re

Love exist no more. It’s a lie that meant to hurt.

Kindness disappeared, like dust in the wind.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

We are all going, to eternal damnation.

Hell, Heaven, and God exist no more.

The power of money, is the power of more

On this dead cold universe, if we never know

If those holy texts never exist

Then would God be here, tormenting mankind?

If God exist, then the world he created

It’s the world full of hatred, of dark deeds and violence.

Blood of human, is the blood worth spilling

Brain of human, is the brain worth using

We’re tools, and puppets, and dolls.

There is no need, for useless emotions

Because it will hurt you in the end.

Emotions are manipulative – they uses to get you

To use you, to abuse you.

No one will truly love one another.

For we’re selfish, and we want to love ourselves.

There are only two kinds of people

Some that hate us behind our backs

And some that hate us right in our face

There is no love, no kindness, no sympathy

For the world is a stage, oh Shakespeare

And this is a farce, the longest run farce in the history.




May it comes to an end, any day from now.





A poem out of the blue

A poem out of the blue

There are unknown chains

Poem on a school trip

Poem on a school trip

When I was born, my world was bright

A poem on the plane

A poem on the plane

I stared out at the window, the sky so dark

I Want To Go With The One I Love

I Want To Go With The One I Love

By Bertolt Brecht


Ich will mit dem gehen, den ich liebe

Musing on an exam day (nine days ago)

A very very hot day in Bahrain (annoyingly hot) + a bored and depressed girl + Geography final exam = depressed poems.

And, Happy Birthday, Sir Paul McCartney!!!!
